1.1 The Business Case
In health care, it's paramount to provide the highest quality of care for the patients. In the meantime, the company also needs to take into account the business variables, such as profitability, productivity, worker satisfaction, patient satisfaction, speed, planning, and so on. How should the company optimize its operations and maximize the quality of the care?
1.2 The Quantitative Path
Our variable of interest is a multi-level function of various factors that are intertwined and interrelated. The priority is to understand and consider these causal factors in our technical analysis. For this business case, we enter the quantitative path and aim to measure all the relevant variables to gain insight in the situation.
2.1 The Cutting-Edge A.I. solution
We build a 4-step Graphical User Interface (GUI) which allows us to:
2.2 Insight in Effect Sizes and an A.I. Assistant
By designing such a GUI, this health provider gains clear insight in the underlying factors that play a role and how large their respective effects are on the variable of interest: The final health care quality and satisfaction. We also gain insight in the separate effects of the solution, allowing us to understand how much each factor positively contributes to solving the problems. Also, the intelligent assistant creates new value for the workers because they are reminded of their training or gain new information through such an assistant.
3.1 Strategy
By understanding the interaction among causal factors that affect the variable of interest, this health care company formulates a strategy that considers factors within its control and conditions that are outside its control. The business side is now alleviated to a higher level of optimized functioning, allowing the health care providers to focus their energy in providing high quality care for their patients.
3.2 A Lasting Outcome
The current course of action is to monitor the GUI and anticipate on potential changes in the underlying factors. By doing so, this company knows the future with a certain accuracy and is prepared for external changes and fluctuations. What if they now receive more patients? What if the nature of the illnesses change? These challenges are all taken into account by data science and technology.